
Locally producing delicious sustainable consumable products

Location: Anbar

Host: Oxfam Iraq

Invested: $17,000

Needed: $20,000

HomeMade employs women in Erbil who produce local food at an economical price point, in a convenient location, and for the local population.  

The Challenge

In Erbil, Iraq, women lack employment opportunities, especially those affected by displacement and conflict. Those displaced often have lost their homes, loved ones, and incoming generating sources, leaving them in difficult financial situations. 

The Solution

HomeMade is a social enterprise that employs displaced women in Iraq who produce local food products, with the distribution of the locally made products in the city of Erbil. The project's mission is to provide nutritious, free from chemical, consumable products that are economical and convenient to the local populations. At the same time, support displaced women and their families with new sources of financial income. The project will also utilize profits to support local orphanages. 

HomeMade began its journey by collecting information from women in the local communities on their greatest needs. The project implementers found that women wished they could resuscitate homemade food culture and use their skills to turn it into an income-generating activity to support their livelihood. A training was conducted by a local community member who had experience in the development of consumable products, and the project launched in early 2021. 


Hawaa Studio


Yalla Erbil