What is RILx?

RILx is the Response Innovation Lab network’s annual gathering and one of the few global events dedicated to exploring local humanitarian innovation systems. 

Hosted by the Nepal Innovation Lab and World Vision, RILx24 will bring together staff from RIL platforms in nine countries, global peers and partners, including leading humanitarian agencies, and leaders in social impact innovation from Nepal and the wider South Asian region to collaboratively explore the dual themes of ecosystem building and business modeling.  Over the course of three days, this diverse mix of thought leaders will exchange experience, insights and ideas about these two topics critical to the scaling of impactful solutions and will collaborate on identifying practices worth amplifying and generating new models to pilot.


Kathmandu, Nepal

The Malla Hotel

2024 September 17-19

Supported in Nepal by

The Nepal Innovation Lab

World Vision International Nepal

  • Day One will take attendees on a deep dive into social impact innovation ecosystems  -- their composition, how they function and what they can do to facilitate the scaling of effective solutions across multiple pathways. We will be particularly attentive to the collaboration models that  local innovation hubs, social entrepreneurship support organizations and other specialized actors have developed to boost social impact.

  • Day Two will shift the focus to what business models offer the best chances for different types of social innovations to achieve financial sustainability and reach their scaling potential. Mixed and hybrid systems where private sector, government, non-profit and community actors contribute to the funding of the solution will be particularly highlighted.

  • Day Three will draw from the previous two days’ worth of exchanges to further explore some of the most promising approaches and introduce new Big Ideas, smart “hacks” or opportunities to try something new. 

Agenda at a glance

Please be advised that the final agenda is subject to change. As the event organizer, we are committed to providing timely updates to reflect any adjustments.

We are experiencing strong demand for attendance and need to limit the audience to people who have filled the registration form.  We will not be able to accept walk-ins during the event. For any enquiries, please contact rilx24@responseinnovationlab.com.

Logistics Q&A

  • RILx24 sessions will be held on September 17, 18 and 19 at the Malla Hotel in central Kathmandu, near the Royal Palace.

    All guests are required to make  their own lodging arrangements. We recommend staying at the Malla Hotel , where participants are eligible for a special negotiated rate of US$95 per night, which includes breakfast and two-way airport transfers.  To book under that rate, you will need to contact the hotel by phone ( +977 1 4518385, +977 1 4510320, +977 1 4518382) or by email (info@themallahotel.com) and mention that you are eligible for the World Vision negotiated rate as a RILx24 attendee.

  • Lunch will be provided each day during RILx24 but attendees will need to make their own dinner arrangements. Please fill in the registration form to indicate any special dietary needs.

  • RILx events aim to foster an atmosphere of informality. Attendees are encouraged to dress casually and to display the logos of their organization for easy identification. 

  • You do not need to bring anything other than your insights and good cheer but some interactive elements may require the use of a smartphone.  You are also welcome to bring brochures and other communication materials from your organization for sharing.

  • RILx24 will not be televised! To encourage interpersonal exchanges, networking and a spirit of open discussion, RILx24 sessions will not be streamed.  Some sessions may be recorded for future dissemination, however.

  • International attendees are expected to make their own travel arrangements. Nepal offers visas on arrival for the great majority of countries worldwide -- you can find the list of countries that require obtaining a visa before travel can be found here: https://www.immigration.gov.np/en/page/tourist-visa. We nonetheless recommend that visitors coming from all countries in Africa and the Middle East check with their respective Nepalese Embassy or Consulate about visa requirements. World VIsion Nepal can provide invitation letters upon request. Please note that there may be medical screening for Mpox instituted at airports by the time the meeting takes place.

  • Travelers can find much information about the ins and outs of visiting Kathmandu through the Wikitravel page. If you have specific concerns or requirements, please reach out directly to Arnav Bhadra of World Vision Nepal at Arnav_Bhadra@wvi.org


  • RIL is not a new NGO – we are a collaborative initiative between Civic, World Vision International, Oxfam International, Save the Children International and Danish Refugee Council. RIL is not a registered entity and does not have its own bank accounts, employees, etc…

  • RIL adopts a decentralized, network model of management. Each Response Lab is managed by one of its global Member organizations via its Country Office.  For instance, the Iraq Response Innovation Lab (IRIL) is hosted by Oxfam Iraq who recruits and oversees staff, raises funds and manages its budget and sets its strategic objectives (in accordance with the Global RIL strategy). The small RIL Central Support Unit (i.e. its HQ) is hosted by Civic and is comprised of a Global Director and two Regional Managers who provide support to the Response Labs, represent RIL gobally and regionally, help mobilize resources and partnerships,  and maintain global systems (RIL website, intranet, toolkits).

  • RIL is entirely funded by grants or fee-for-service contracts, with funding primarily being mobilized by individual Response Labs through their host organization’s (e.g. WVI, SCI, OI, DRC) fundraising systems.  The Central Support Unit is funded through the provision of technical assistance to the Response Labs to be included in their grant funding, as well as some limited fee-for-service agreement to external actors.

  • RIL platforms are designed to be largely demand-driven and have worked on addressing challenges from nearly all recognized humanitarian sectors. Over time, it has developed a particular focus on displacement and climate adaptation/resilience programming but will continue to be open to working on any challenge area significantly impacting vulnerable populations.

  • RIL is built to engage with all types of actors who are present in the humanitarian innovation ecosystems it serves. This has included UN agencies, national governments, universities, private sector actors, donors, local NGOs, social entrepreneurs and other innovation hubs. RIL’s methodology has a particular focus on engaging with the leading implementers of humanitarian programming in order to better understand the demand (and resources available) for different types of solutions.

  • Initially designed to work in any humanitarian emergency, RIL has found it is most impactful working in prolonged crises, complex emergencies and the reconstruction phase of acute disasters.  Over time, our work has drifted into the Nexus, Resilience and DRR programming spaces, particularly as contexts evolve. RIL Response Labs will continue to focus on fragile settings with underdeveloped innovation ecosystems where we can add clear value. In case existing social innovation platforms are in place and interested in adopting our approach, we can invite them to join our network as Affiliate Facilities.

  • If you are working in a context that meets the RIL criteria (e.g. a humanitarian or “nexus” setting with a viable but underdeveloped innovation ecosystem) and are from one of our global Member organizations, you can engage with the RIL Executive Committee contact  person to stat a conversation. If you are from an external organization and there is no existing RIL platform serving your context, you may reach out directly to the RIL Central Support Unit (info@responseinnovationlab.com) to notify us of your interest in opening an Affiliate Facility.

  • Each RIL Response Lab has dedicated staff based in the location that they serve. You can find their contact information on the RIL website (https://www.responseinnovationlab.com/wherewework).

The event is organized by

with the generous support from