Where We Work

Globally present, locally focused.

Response Innovation Lab adopts a “local first, regional second, global third” approach to our operations. The Response Innovation Labs are all hosted by either our founding or local NGO partner organizations. Through this approach, we optimize the operational support for our team while being more grounded in the field, leveraging the hosting organization’s knowledge and network in the local context.

While the global Central Support Unit plays a rather guiding and supporting role, the local labs are given great autonomy and independence to lead and manage projects. Such lean structure ensures agility, responsiveness and operational efficiency.

RIL Country Labs

RIL Country Labs are facilities launched by RIL partners to implement the full Response Innovation Lab model in humanitarian response settings.

Uganda | Somalia | Gaza | Iraq | Northwest Syria

Affiliate Facilities share RIL's vision of developing inclusive and collaborative innovation ecosystems but combine their own specific approach with RIL's methodologies.

Jordan | Nepal | Puerto Rico

RIL Affiliate Facilities

Pop-up Labs

RIL-supported interventions in contexts where a RIL Country Lab or Affiliate Facility is not yet present.

South Sudan | Yemen