Why we are doing what we do

The humanitarian system demands contextualized innovations, which calls for coordination for matchmaking, together with localized support for implementation on the ground.

Hence, Response Innovation Lab is here to convene stakeholders for ecosystem building, and to use a collaborative, evidence-based, and localized approach to empower humanitarian innovation system.

RIL will transform how communities recover from humanitarian crises through more diverse, collaborative and innovative humanitarian responses.

WE LEVERAGE THE LOCAL AND GLOBAL —supporting local innovators and innovation ecosystems, and linking to global humanitarian innovation initiatives

WE ARE LEAN AND AGILE —we evolve as we learn

WE BELIEVE IN OPEN INNOVATION—open data, and open source solutions

WE ARE ETHICAL AND SAFE—we follow humanitarian principles and standards, focusing on informed consent, safety and do no harm

WE ARE EVIDENCE-DRIVEN—we support and apply data to design and scale innovation

Our Principles

Our Commitments

  • Responsive

    to the humanitarian needs in specific contexts

    RIL adopts a “local first, region second, global third” approach to scaling solutions that address the unique challenges faced by implementers and communities

  • Collaborative

    by engaging a wide range of actors across multiple sectors

    RIL works extensively with non-traditional response actors for collaborations, acting as a bridge-builder to facilitate partnerships and exchanges.

  • Regenerative

    so that the impact is sustainable and scalable

    RIL builds up humanitarian innovation ecosystems through partnerships, evidence sharing and targeted technical support to facilitate widespread adoption and scaling of solutions with minimal external inputs.