YADAWEE (Homemade Soap Production)

Soap production from recycled oil


Location: Iraq

Host: Oxfam Iraq

Invested: Not Funded

Needed: $28,000

Given the proven importance of handwashing against the spread of diseases and viruses, the soap shortage poses a real threat where people live in densely populated areas, especially in camps. the wash cluster report shows that the overage of monthly soap consumption per person is 250 g, in addition, that, another post-distribution report of hygiene kit issued by UNICEF mentioned that the most preferred item in the hygiene kit is the soap (91% of targeted people), and based on WFP food basket review the overage monthly food consumption for each person is 900 g of oil and the remainder of this quantity can produce the needed soap (overage food waste at the household level is 40%).

The solution Oxfam has found is to use the waste cooking oil as the main source of raw materials to produce soap locally within camps. Furthermore, the other required raw materials are available in the local market and the processing method is easy to apply, through the implementation, we will train a group of women (12 women) how they can produce soap from the remainder of the cooking oil and other local materials, and we will provide them with the all required tools and materials to start the production. Through this project, those women will be able to produce their needed quantity and deliver this technic to the other women in their locations, this project will provide the populations living in camps with the required soap all the time.


GET AHEAD: Advancing, Hygiene, Employment and Dignity


UNLEASHED (Potentials in Motion)