Learn & Share

RIL values and embraces evidence and learning to improve our work and to contribute to the humanitarian and innovation sectors, and we do so by generating and sharing data, knowledge and tools. We learn the impact, and share the learning.

Concept Explained

RIL’s unique humanitarian innovation Evidence Toolkit helps solutions in pilot and scaling phase build a database of evidence and learnings. RIL tracks the composition of the ecosystem and the interactions between its actors to better understand where and how to invest new resources. RIL has developed the operational infrastructure to support this commitment. For example, RIL’s System for Lab Information Management and Evidence (SLIME) database is structured around organizations, innovation challenges, and innovation solutions. Each regional Lab is encouraged to undertake studies, research and other investigatory approaches to better understand the ecosystem, humanitarian challenges, trends in innovation and other relevant issues to their programming and networks.

Our Open Resources

Case Study 1: U-Learn Uganda

U-Learn is designed to promote improved outcomes for refugees and host communities in Uganda. In collaboration with government and a wide range of stakeholders, U-Learn focuses on facilitating learning, conducting assessments, and amplifying refugee voice and choice. U-Learn is an NGO consortium delivered by Response Innovation Lab (hosted by Save the Children), International Rescue Committee, and IMPACT Initiatives, and is principally funded by UKaid.

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