SOMALIA: Water Point Monitoring System

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SECTOR: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)


The main demographic of people benefitted by this solution would be communities, typically consisting of agro-pastoral households in South West State, with around 6 members per household, and a lot of children in households. Some families are very poor, relying on subsistence farming. There are many internally displaced people living from day labour or subsidies. Villages typically consist of around 200 households.


  • Reduced incidence of diarrhea through clean and safe drinking water

  • Maintaining and monitoring the availability of clean, safe drinking water for communities in South West State, Somalia


The WASH Cluster is seeking an affordable way to monitor and maintain data on water points in South West State. The Somali Water Ministry has a database populated with information from 2016/ 2017 about improved water points. It wants to find an affordable way to maintain this information as a valuable reference for investment decisions, planning and emergency response. Water quality and quantity need to be tested in order to ensure ongoing access to potable water and determine whether any action is needed.

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SOMALIA: Event Management System


SOMALIA: Improving Community Wells