Photo Credit: @Field Ready Turkyie

NW Syria - RIL

Response Innovation Lab


Northwest Syria (NWS) faces one of the most complex humanitarian and protection crises in the world. The region, already burdened by 12 years of conflict, was further devastated by a series of earthquakes on February 6, 2023.

The recovery efforts in NWS are anticipated to encounter numerous challenges, such as operating in an isolated context, coordinating rebuilding programs without an established national administrative structure, and seeking opportunities to Build Back Better when even basic social services are lacking.

The Northwest Syria Response Innovation Lab (NW Syria RIL) aims to address these challenges by creating collaborative spaces and networks within major humanitarian responses. NW Syria RIL connects humanitarian actors with non-traditional partners, including the private sector, academia, and the innovation sector, to foster understanding of shared challenges and identify breakthrough solutions that better support the needs of crisis-affected communities.

  • Convene & Map

    We create ecosystem mapping and convene stakeholders to identify innovation challenges and set agenda in the local context.

  • MatchMaker & Broker

    We match innovation challenge holders and solution providers for collaborations; and we seek collaborations to bring more resources for innovation support.

  • Support & Co-create

    We support innovators and implementers in the humanitarian innovation system to enhance their ability to deliver on the ground.

  • Learn & Share

    We value evidence and learning. We constantly generate and share data, knowledge and tools for the wider community.

News & Updates

Convene & Map

Innovation Ecosystem Map

The objective of this Eco-system map is to assist partners and stakeholders working in and for Syria in navigating the humanitarian innovation ecosystem and finding potential collaborators. While it focuses specifically on humanitarian and social-impact innovation stakeholders and supporters, it does not encompass the entire innovation ecosystem in the region. Most of the organizations included have a physical presence in Northwest Syria, though some are based externally but maintain established connections within this ecosystem. All information provided is sourced from public domains, primarily the organizations; own websites or Facebook pages. Tags were applied according to the global RIL methodology and publicly available information from the organizations.

Click on the picture to learn more.

MatchMaker & Broker

  • Submit a Challenge

    Are you looking for a solution for your innovation chalenge?

  • Submit a Solution

    Do you have an innovation ready to share?

Innovation Library

Learn & Share

Partners Remarks

  • "The lab is launched at the right time given the shortage of funds and resources. Response actors should start developing their interventions by adopting innovative approaches."

  • "Innovations do not have to be sophisticated; simplicity is the solution. All you need to be an innovator is to be human. "

  • "Bringing the concept of innovation to our humanitarian response allows actors to think outside the box and build on lessons learned from different contexts. "

  • "The relationship between challenges, solutions, and pilots is not linear; it is continuous."

  • "There is a misconception between “invention,” which aims at creating something from scratch, and “innovation,” which is about adopting new ways of doing things to enhance the humanitarian response."

Contact us

Yaman Sarraj

NW Syria RIL Manager