Local Innovations for Nutrition Solutions (LINS)

Chronic malnutrition is a critical challenge in refugee communities. Humanitarian funding is insufficient to meet nutritional needs in the critical period of early childhood, leading to poor developmental and cognitive outcomes and long-term impact on socio-economic perspectives of affected children. With the LINS project, RIL Uganda identified alternative solutions to the traditional distribution of free and imported nutritious foods (corn-soya blend/porridge) through a participative and competitive process. Five pilots with potential to improve nutrition and sustain themselves through market forces are under implementation in the refugee settlements of Rhino and Kyaka II. They include testing a community-entrepreneurship approach, local production of nutritious porridge and innovations – see here: https://youtu.be/N6KXG2X-450. They are spearheaded by startups, NGOs and academic institutions and implemented in close collaboration with Save the Children.




Reflective Studies on Innovative Business Opportunities in Iraq – in the fields of Recycling and Renewable Energy.