Official launch of Gaza Response Innovation Lab (GRIL)

After months of preparation, deep learning, and expert consultation, we finally launched the Gaza Response Innovation Lab (GRIL),  a joint initiative hosted by Oxfam and supported by the global Response Innovation Lab (RIL) initiative. Its mission is to support social innovators test and scale their solutions in partnership with humanitarian actors in Gaza. In the previous ten months, a team from Oxfam, supported by the RIL Central Support Unit, has conducted a series of interviews and discussions with leading experts, scientists, innovators, and entrepreneurs to identify potential directions for solutions that can help the Palestinian communities. In the coming months, we will continue to convene with experts and practitioners from the IASC Clusters, their member organizations and other challenges holders to identify and prioritize Gaza challenges and work on pathways for testing and scaling promising innovative localized solutions in an effective, efficient manner.


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Gaza Response Innovation Lab to hold launch ceremony on November 23