The 2020 UNCDF Digital Innovation Challenge Call is Open

As a member of Startup Uganda, RIL is proud to let you know that the Digital Innovation Challenge 2020 is open.

Startup Uganda and UNCDF have joined forces to promote a competition of ideas in response to four challenges:

  • Leveraging Last Mile Distribution Networks

  • Citizen Engagement

  • Financial Health for MSMEs

  • Digital Literacy

Shortlisted innovations will have also have the chance go through an acceleration program where they will receive technical assistance from the Anchor partner, the Innovation hubs/Startup Uganda partners, and UNCDF to refine their proposed solutions to better suit the needs of the target customers.

The final outstanding solutions will be supported – with seed capital– to pilot and the new solution / features. Grants between 10,000 to 20,000 USD.

Application are open until 30th September.

Visit our website for more information: and join the info session on September 4 from 10 to 11:30 am (register here:


Local Challenge for Uganda-based Innovations


A young innovator discovers a better way for soap to be available at community water points.