Mapping EdTech in Uganda

Report on Mapping EdTech


Response Innovation Lab has collaborated with Briter Bridges to visualize the state of educational technology across some of the major African technology ecosystems. EdTech is the use of technology for any Information Communication Technology (ICT) product - radio to digital app and tools - where the primary intention is to support the delivery of educational programmes and improve outcomes.

>> Click here to read the report. 

Interactive EdTech Ecosystem Map

The Response Innovation Lab has also developed an interactive EdTech Ecosystem Map to further showcase the relationship between stakeholders in the ecosystem.

EdTech is expanding quickly through a lot of small-scale solutions developed by Ugandan social enterprises and NGOs. As the Ministry of Education takes steps towards the preparation of an ICT in Education Policy, a sound stakeholder mapping was deemed a useful resource for it’s development.

In addition, with a growing interest from the Government of Uganda to invest in an ICT-enabled economy, an ICT-literate workforce is required. EdTech is seen a way to develop digital literacy and drive overall (economic) literacy. There is also significant interest from private sector and education donors to contribute resources to the EdTech space in Uganda.

>> Click here to view the EdTech Ecosystem Map

Uganda Ed Tech.PNG

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