Innovator Training Program
The Response Innovation Lab offers a series of training to innovators designed to strengthen their capacity in the areas of:
Intellectual Property and Innovation Value Chain Management
Resource Mobilization
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning.
Local Innovations for Nutrition Solutions (LINS) (closed)
The Local Innovation Nutrition Solutions project aims to create viable business models to enable the sustainable demand of local nutritious foods in refugee-hosting communities in Uganda.
Clean Energy in Refugee Settlements (closed)
The AMPERE Project is a consortium led by Mercy Corps in partnership with the Response Innovation Lab, Save the Children and Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) to test, prove and build evidence for quality, affordable, and reliable market-driven energy access solutions for humanitarian response programming in Uganda. The implementation area is in the Bidibidi refugee settlement in West Nile in Northern Uganda, which displays favorable characteristics to explore an innovative operational model that bridges the humanitarian-development nexus.
The Covid-19 Innovation Prize (closed)
Local Call - Uganda-BASED Innovations Only: The Uganda Response Innovation Lab hosted a local prize call for Ugandan innovators and entrepreneurs with already proven solutions to preventing, mitigating, and responding to COVID-19. With the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway and Save the Children, the call tackles four challenge areas with small financial prizes to selected winners. The call closed in 2020, and winners announced in early 2021.
CHALLENGE CALL: Dutch Relief Alliance Innovation Fund (closed)
Local Call - Uganda-BASED Innovations Only: In partnership with the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA), the Uganda RIL held the DRA Innovation Fund’s third call (DIF 3) for proposals. The DIF 3 Local Call aims to promote humanitarian innovation for refugees as locally as possible. The focus of the call is on local refugee-supporting innovations in Uganda. The call closed in 2020, and winners announced in early 2021.