Here Is Life

Education Infrastructure Enhancement Among South Sudanese refugees and host community in Bidibidi settlement

Here is Life implements the “Education Infrastructure Enhancement” through small groups like Parent Teacher Associations and School Management Committees to find solutions with parents and educators that solve the problems hindering learning in schools. The aim of the project is to empower the community to own and sustain the use of Education  Infrastructure like learning systems. During the lockdown, the initiative was adapted to prevent the spread of Covid-19. For example, the club activities like debates that they did in the schools before the pandemic were hosted on the radio instead of during the lockdown. A few children were selected from the schools to debate different topics on a radio talk show.

The rest of the children were mobilized to participate by listening and calling in during the talk show to ask questions and air their views.  In the process, the children would learn about the various topics being debated. Other ways the initiative adapted to COVID-19 prevention included reducing the number of direct participants in training and meetings, providing personal protective equipment, and observing the COVID-19 SOPs. The number of trainers trained was 128 and 113 Club members were reached among the South Sudanese refugees and host communities in Bidibidi refugee settlement. 

honorable mention

COVID-19 Prize in Continuous Eduction

Parent Teacher Association and School Management Committee attending training of Trainers

Parent Teacher Association and School Management Committee attending training of Trainers


Kyemeire International Vocational Secondary School


Planning For Tomorrow Youth Organization