Support & Co-create

RIL supports both innovators and implementers across different stages to enhance their ability to deliver innovations in the humanitarian context.

Concept Explained

This is how RIL supports the ecosystem:

Case Study 1: The Innovation Journey of the Digital Attendance Application by Sisitech

Context: Sisitech is a software consultancy company founded in 2016 and based in Nairobi, Kenya. To digitize the existing paper-based tracking tools for pupils, teachers, and schools to automate the process, and increase the reliability and accuracy of the data collected, the Sisitech team developed and rolled out a an open-source software application (mobile and web dashboard). The team also implemented human-centered approaches and agile methodologies from the beginning to iteratively improve the product based on user feedback.

What we did: In 2019, the Digital Attendance system was adopted by World Vision Somalia through the matchmaker program by the Response Innovation Lab, and was for the first time piloted in another country in 3 schools across Puntland State, Somaliland. The collaboration also led to the integration of Digital Attendance Application with the Ministry of Education in Puntland State in Partnership with World Vision & Save The Children in 2021. RIL team also supported the scaling of the application in Somalia by providing operational support to enable the team to have remote support in Mogadishu.