SafeBangle Technologies behind the scenes with Response Innovation Lab
Read about the experience from innovator Saul Kabali with Response Innovation Lab developing SafeBangle Technologies for the past two years, a wearable technology for immediate reporting of violence attempts against women and girls.
Leveraging Technology to Improve Women’s Health in Somalia
Hello Caafi! is a groundbreaking telehealths solution from Somalia, designed and led by two remarkable women innovators.
Kampala Impact Day 2021
Learn about the Uganda RIL’s Kampala Impact Day events, and the three innovators nominated by the team.
How the C-19 prize winners are Navigating the Pandemic times
Check-in on the innovators who won the cash award from the Uganda Response Innovation Lab in 2020. The innovators submitted their innovations in prevention and response, continuous learning, livelihoods, and refugee-led innovations that were already proving effectivness in the fight against COVID -19.
In honor of World Refugee Day, check out these innovations...
Our labs are supporting several innovations that directly benefit refugee populations, learn more about these innovators and their pursuit to support their communities and others.
Collaboration for localized innovative response to Covid-19 needs
Field Ready and Response Innovation Lab both aim to inspire and guide disaster response practitioners to develop and test new ideas and implement proven innovations. With the support of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, RIL and Field Ready organized a digital convene event on the topic of locally manufacturing Covid-19 preventive materials, including personal protective equipment, and with an emphasis on the use of 3-D printers in May 2021.
>>> Learn about the outcomes of this convener.
Strategic Partnership Annoucement: RIL +
Response Innovation Lab (RIL) and are announcing a strategic partnership to scale further and support innovations around access to connectivity in humanitarian and emergency contexts.
South Sudan: Adapting Innovations for Impact
The case for innovation in the Humanitarian sector is well known, as is the importance of investing in new innovations and the need to adapt and adopt innovations that already exist to make wide-ranging improvements in people's lives. For a long-time, the focus of many humanitarian donors and organisations has been on creating new innovations in the hope of making significant change across the sector. This is an incredibly important focus, and area resources need to be allocated too. However, just as important, donors and organisations need to focus on the adoption of innovations that already work to create a significant change with people affected by the crisis.
2020 Reflections | Plans [VIDEO]
In December 2020, RIL held a week-long virtual global retreat to share reflections from the past year on each of the humanitarian responses and challenges, success, and plans for the upcoming year. Each session is about 30 minutes long.
LifeShelter wins UNDP Accelerator Lab's 2020 Honey Bee Network Creativity & Inclusive Innovation Awards
UNDP Accelerator Labs, Honey Bee Network, and GIAN have jointly organized the first International annual competition for creative & innovative ideas or traditional knowledge practices around the world, which solve day-to-day problems. Life Shelter received this International Award among 2,500 solutions around the world.
RIL Maps Innovation Hubs in Uganda
Innovation hubs are connecting young entrepreneurs, programmers, designers, and investors and facilitating growth and collaborations across the innovation ecosystem. The Response Innovation Lab has set up an interactive platform to empower innovators with innovation support which highlights innovation hubs, accelerators, and co-working space’s location and hours.
Devex Op-Ed: 3 lessons learned on integrating innovation into the Uganda refugee response
The Uganda RIL published an Op-Ed in Devex regarding lessons learned integrating innovation into the Uganda refugee response. Localizing innovation takes a central theme in the article. Please take a read!
RIL & The Sustainable Development Goals
Innovative techniques and platforms are proving to be a key factor in humanitarian responses to ongoing regional conflicts, severe weather patterns, a changing climate, and forced migration. Read how RIL’s work aligns with the 2030 SDGs goals.
Sibling Superheroes help Somali children stop the spread of COVID-19 in their communities
The Hiddo & Hirsi educational videos are the first series of its kind for Somali-speaking children. Together, the innovator Poet Nation Media, the Somali Response Innovation Lab, and its local host World Vision Somalia developed a segment called Hiddo & Hirsi – the Protector Twins. These twins envision themselves as superheroes protecting their community from the Coronavirus and show how they deal with the challenges of closed school, psycho-social and mental health awareness, gender inclusivity and handicap representation, and much more!
RIL & The Humanitarian Grand Bargain
A founding principle to RIL has always been the focus on strengthening local ecosystems to build resiliency and contextualized support for the response.
Case Study: Solving a Somali health challenge by empowering caregivers in an immunization innovation
In Somalia, a challenge to the local health ecosystem was identified that there wasn’t a way for refugees and vulnerable populations to track their care or access care. An innovative solution was identified and needed support with piloting. The Somali Response Innovation Lab has been helping OGOW EMR with its first pilot. Click to learn about the impressive results.
Case Study: Innovation M&E Toolkit on the OGOW EMR Health Pilot in Somalia
The Response Innovation Lab (RIL) has developed an Innovation M&E Toolkit to gather evidence around humanitarian innovations to better understand whether it’s having the desired positive impact. This video is a short case study for the toolkit’s use in Somalia to gather evidence around the OGOW EMR digital medical records, health pilot project with World Vision.